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Pain Medicine
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Codeine Phosphate 20mg N
30 comprimés - 163.64 EURO (5.45 EURO/comprimé) Ajoutez a votre chariot
Product Name: Codeine Phosphate 20mg
Dosage: 20 mg
Manufactured by: PCH
This product requires shipping by courier and is available only for EU customers.
Phone number necessary in address

Pour ordres supérieurs les frais d'nexpédition Registered Mail seront appliquées pour chaque 100 pilules.
Si votre commande est superieure a 300 pilules, vous avez la possibilite de beneficier d'un prix spécial. Contactez SVP [email protected].

Expédié de: EU

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Codeine Phosphate 20mg

What is Codeine Phosphate 20mg?

Codeine phosphate 20mg is a drug belonging to the group of drugs with a cough suppressing and analgesic effect. It suppresses the coughing stimulus, which reduces coughing. Codeine phosphate 20mg is prescribed for dry cough and pain and sometimes also for an expected ticklish cough during sleep or during a visit to a concert or lecture, for example.

- Codeine works against coughs. It is also a pain reliever .
- With ticklish cough and pain. Sometimes together with the painkiller paracetamol.
- Tablets and drinks work within half an hour. These work for 3 to 4 hours.
- Cough: use codeine until your symptoms have disappeared, usually within a few days. Do you still have ticklish cough after 3 weeks? Then go to the doctor.
- Pain: Use codeine for as long as you need it and on a regular schedule. For example, every 3 to 4 hours, no more than 6 times a day.
- You can get constipation from codeine. Drink plenty of fluids and eat foods high in fiber such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains. You can also use a laxative .
- You may also become drowsy, sleepy and dizzy. Then don't drive a car. Are you taking more than 20 mg at a time? Or are you using this drug more than 3 times a day? Then you are not allowed to drive for the first 2 weeks. After that, drive only if you have no more side effects.
- Watch out with alcohol. This can make you even drowsy.
- Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? Talk to your pharmacist or doctor about whether it is safe to use codeine .


Codeine is used for irritating cough or ticklish cough.

When the throat and lungs are stimulated, the brain signals to cough. This is often necessary because, for example, there is mucus in the airways. Sometimes this is not the case, but the irritable cough arises because the throat and lungs are irritated by a cold without mucus or, for example, by staying in a smoky environment. The constant itching can be very annoying, such as at night and during a concert or lecture.

In that case you can use codeine. However, do not use this remedy if you cough up a lot of mucus. The coughing stimulus is then necessary to get rid of the mucus.

You will notice within half an hour that you have less tendency to cough. This effect lasts for three to four hours.

Pain comes in different forms. Pain can come from damage to your body or when something is not working as it should. The nerves in the damaged body part send a signal to your brain and you feel pain. Sometimes pain has no clear cause and we don't know where the pain is coming from.

Codeine ensures that the pain stimulus does not arrive or arrives less strongly. You will feel the pain less and react more slowly to it.

Codeine is sometimes used in conjunction with the pain reliever paracetamol. More information about this combination can be found at paracetamol with codeine .

You will notice that the pain is getting less within half an hour after taking it. This effect lasts for 3 to 4 hours.
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Louis (2011-04-11)

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Chris (2011-10-25)

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Cordialement L.A (2011-11-11)

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Christophe (2012-03-30)


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